Loadlink Technologies QuickPay
Cash For The Road, Now!
The $ QuickPay symbol in the Loadlink loadboard is Riviera’s way of letting you know a broker or shipper is pre-approved for factoring. You locate the load you want to haul – we give you the QuickPay, not only giving you CASH after you deliver but also guaranteeing payment for the load.

Get Paid Immediately

Credit Protection on Approved Brokers

Invoice Management
QuickPay Features
- Broker & Shipper credit pre-approved
- Funds transferred into your account within 24 hours of delivery.
- Credit guarantees on approved bills
- Real-time online account management
- Full bill processing and collection system
QuickPay Benefits
- Smarter decision-making
- Zero bad debt
- Ready cash for drivers and cash expenses
- Funds available for growth
- Streamlined administration
Get Started
For immediate action, complete the short form or call Riviera at 1-800-872-7484

The Riviera Difference
Founded in 1969, Riviera Finance is nationally recognized as a leader in business financing and a top invoice factoring company. Riviera Finance provides full-service, non-recourse invoice factoring to growing companies.
We are the experts in invoice factoring and accounts receivable management. Riviera Finance maintains offices throughout North America to provide face-to-face service and expert financial solutions to small and medium-sized businesses. Currently serving more than 1,400 clients, Riviera holds an excellent credit rating, has shown consistent, positive earnings and maintains a diversified capital base.
We have more than 25 invoice factoring company offices located throughout the US and Canada to handle all of your invoice factoring needs.
Factor the Loads You Haul With Riviera
As a Loadlink Technologies carrier, you already have a powerful tool to keep your trucks on the road and as productive as possible. Add factoring and rest assured you’ll always have the cash to pay your drivers, meet expenses, and grow your business. And be confident that you’ll get paid for the loads you haul when we approve the credit.
When you factor loads with Riviera, you get a credit guarantee on the loads you factor, you get up to 95% in cash for your freight bills, and you get a complete invoice management system. You concentrate on running your business, not worrying about cash flow, bad debt and collections.
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